Neighbourhood Plan
About the Neighbourhood Plan
The Neighbourhood Plan will affect everyone in Whaley Bridge.
Without a Neighbourhood Plan in place, any proposed development in our area will be determined in accordance with the High Peak Borough Councils Local Plan, generally speaking without specific policies for Whaley Bridge. The Local Plan covers the period up to 2031.
A Neighbourhood plan offers us an opportunity to define a level of detail which is specific to our own area. After an approval process, the detail in the Neighbourhood Plan will sit alongside HPBC's Local Plan and allows us have a measure of local control over development which occurs here. It means that we can really make a difference to how Furness Vale and Whaley Bridge develops over the next 12 years up till 2031.
Now named 'Vision4Whaley' our Neighbourhood Plan covers the whole of the area including Whaley Bridge, Furness Vale, Taxal and Fernilee, some of which is in the Peak District National Park.
We had a great response from the public at the Christmas FAB market and we have now recruited a couple more members for the Steering Group. From your feedback we have highlighted areas to explore in more detail and we will be forming working groups to cover:
- Transport and Traffic (to include: Traffic Congestion, On-street Parking, Off-street Parking, Infrastructure, Accessibility)
- Commerce (to include: Enhancement of Town Centre, Empty Buildings, Unused Land, Employment and SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), Regeneration, Tourism, Heritage)
- Countryside (to include: Leisure Activities (Walking, Running, Cycling), 'Green' Corridors, Enhancement and Extension of the former Cromford and High Peak Railway for Public Use, Local Nature Reserves, Provision of a 'Round the Reservoir' Circular Walk, Provision of Allotments)
- Housing (to include: Housing Design, Lifetime Homes, Eco-homes, 'Green' Roofs, Needs of Elderly Persons, Needs of Persons with Other Special Needs) (Must take into consideration the HIGH PEAK Local Plan and the corresponding Plan of the Peak District National Park Authority)
(The Neighbourhood Plan must take into consideration the High Peak Local Plan and the corresponding Plan of the Peak District National Park Authority).
We would welcome your involvement If you would like to be part of any of these working groups then do get in touch by emailing us at and we can then talk to you about what is involved. There is no obligation at this, or any stage so it would be really good to hear from you.
If you are interested in finding out more of what we are doing, our meetings are published on this website (see Progress below).
Further details are available on our dedicated website:
Getting Involved
Thank you for contacting Vision4Whaley.
The referendum for our Neighbourhood Plan is being held on the 7th December.
You can find the relevant information on the following websites
Kind regards
Steering Group