3rd February 2025

Search Whaley Bridge Town Council

Serving the people of Whaley Bridge and Furness Vale

Whaley Active

Getting Active in Whaley Bridge

During the period of the Dam emergency, a lot of people went out onto the hillsides to try to get a view of the recovery works being undertaken by the emergency services.

View from Hawkhurst Head, above Start Lane, taken during the Dam Emergency.

View from Hawkhurst Head, above Start Lane, taken during the Dam Emergency.

During this period a great community spirit was felt and was remarked on by the many visitors to our town.

Those who came appreciated what we all know that Whaley Bridge is uniquely positioned with great transport links and easy access to the beautiful countryside around the town.

We have a great network of public footpaths, trails and tracks which take you to some lovely valley sites and vantage points. We also sit at the terminus of the beautiful Peak Forrest Canal. Besides the countryside, the town has many heritage features and connections such as the Cromford & High Peak Railway and the Peak Forrest Tramway. All these are documented in leaflets and booklets available from the Mechanics Institute, Footsteps and booksellers.

Booklet available from Footsteps.

Booklet available from Footsteps.

Nationally however there is a physical activity epidemic with 28% of the adult population inactive. Such a lifestyle can lead to physical and mental health issues.

Whaley Active is a movement comprising Whaley people who wish to promote the benefits a of an active lifestyle. The objective is to make it easy for people to find an activity which is suited to them.

There are dozens of activity groups in Whaley including the Junior Parkrun on Sunday mornings, walking groups at all sorts of levels from gentle strolls to longer distance hikes, cross country and hill runners, cycling groups, paddling, sailing and swimming, as well as the main participative sports of football and cricket. Then there are groups and pastimes which involve physical activity but whose main aim is directed to finding objects or marker points such as geo-cashing and orienteering.

The 20th Junior Parkrun in Memorial Park on 5 January.

The 20th Junior Parkrun in Memorial Park on 5 January.

Whaley Active wants to engage with any group which involves physical activity and to work collectively to encourage those who want to join in.

In due course we will create a website facebook group and some publicity. If you wish to support this initiative the easiest way is to Contact Cllr. M Thomas.

Whaley Bridge in 2011 by Terry O'Malley

Whaley Bridge in 2011 by Terry O'Malley

Last updated: Mon, 20 Dec 2021 15:01